- noinspection PhpHierarchyChecksInspection
- implements \IteratorAggregate<int,\DOMNode>
- Extends
- Implements
IteratorAggregate Stringable Traversable voku \helper \SimpleHtmlDomInterface
Methods |
public __call( $name, $arguments)
public __construct(DOMNode $node)
public childNodes(int $idx = -1) Returns children of node.
public delete() Delete
public find(string $selector, $idx = NULL) Find list of nodes with a CSS selector.
public findMulti(string $selector) : voku Find nodes with a CSS selector.
public findMultiOrFalse(string $selector) Find nodes with a CSS selector or false, if no element is found.
public findOne(string $selector) : voku Find one node with a CSS selector.
public findOneOrFalse(string $selector) Find one node with a CSS selector or false, if no element is found.
public firstChild() Returns the first child of node.
public getAllAttributes() Returns an array of attributes.
public getAttribute(string $name) : string Return attribute value.
public getElementByClass(string $class) : voku Return elements by ".class".
public getElementById(string $id) : voku Return element by #id.
public getElementByTagName(string $name) : voku Return element by tag name.
public getElementsById(string $id, $idx = NULL) Returns elements by "#id".
public getElementsByTagName(string $name, $idx = NULL) Returns elements by tag name.
public getHtmlDomParser() : voku Create a new "HtmlDomParser"-object from the current context.
public getIterator() : voku Retrieve an external iterator.
public getNode() : DOMNode
public getTag() : string |
public hasAttribute(string $name) : bool Determine if an attribute exists on the element.
public hasAttributes() : bool
public html(bool $multiDecodeNewHtmlEntity = false) : string Get dom node's outer html.
public innerHtml(bool $multiDecodeNewHtmlEntity = false, bool $putBrokenReplacedBack = true) : string Get dom node's inner html.
public innerXml(bool $multiDecodeNewHtmlEntity = false) : string Get dom node's inner html.
public isRemoved() : bool Nodes can get partially destroyed in which they're still an
actual DOM node (such as \DOMElement) but almost their entire
body is gone, including the
public lastChild() Returns the last child of node.
public nextNonWhitespaceSibling() Returns the next sibling of node.
public nextSibling() Returns the next sibling of node.
public parentNode() : ?voku Returns the parent of node.
public previousNonWhitespaceSibling() Returns the previous sibling of node.
public previousSibling() Returns the previous sibling of node.
public removeAttribute(string $name) : voku Remove attribute.
public removeAttributes() : voku Remove all attributes
public setAttribute(string $name, $value = NULL, bool $strictEmptyValueCheck = false) : voku Set attribute value.
public text() : string Get dom node's plain text.
public val( $value = NULL)
Properties |
Methods |
protected changeElementName(DOMNode $node, string $name) Change the name of a tag in a "DOMNode".
protected cleanHtmlWrapper(voku
protected replaceChildWithString(string $string, bool $putBrokenReplacedBack = true) : voku Replace child node.
protected replaceNodeWithString(string $string) : voku Replace this node.
protected replaceTextWithString( $string) : voku Replace this node with text
Methods |
private normalizeStringForComparison( $input) : string Normalize the given input for comparison.
Properties |