Methods |
public __call( $name, $arguments)
public abstract static __callStatic( $name, $arguments)
public __clone() |
public abstract __get( $name)
public abstract __toString() : string
public clear() : bool does nothing (only for api-compatibility-reasons)
public abstract find(string $selector, $idx = NULL) Find list of nodes with a CSS selector.
public abstract findMulti(string $selector) Find nodes with a CSS selector.
public abstract findMultiOrFalse(string $selector) Find nodes with a CSS selector or false, if no element is found.
public abstract findOne(string $selector) Find one node with a CSS selector.
public abstract findOneOrFalse(string $selector) Find one node with a CSS selector or false, if no element is found.
public getDocument() : DOMDocument
public abstract html(bool $multiDecodeNewHtmlEntity = false, bool $putBrokenReplacedBack = true) : string Get dom node's outer html.
public innerHtml(bool $multiDecodeNewHtmlEntity = false, bool $putBrokenReplacedBack = true) : string Get dom node's inner html.
public innerXml(bool $multiDecodeNewHtmlEntity = false) : string Get dom node's inner html.
public abstract loadHtml(string $html, $libXMLExtraOptions = NULL) : voku Load HTML from string.
public abstract loadHtmlFile(string $filePath, $libXMLExtraOptions = NULL) : voku Load HTML from file.
public static putReplacedBackToPreserveHtmlEntities(string $html, bool $putBrokenReplacedBack = true) : string
public static replaceToPreserveHtmlEntities(string $html) : string
public save(string $filepath = '') : string Save the html-dom as string.
public set_callback( $functionName)
public text(bool $multiDecodeNewHtmlEntity = false) : string Get dom node's plain text.
public xml(bool $multiDecodeNewHtmlEntity = false, bool $htmlToXml = true, bool $removeXmlHeader = true, int $options = 4LIBXML_NOEMPTYTAG) : string Get the HTML as XML or plain XML if needed.
Properties |
protected static $callback = NULL
protected $document = NULL
protected static $domBrokenReplaceHelper = []
protected static $domHtmlBrokenHtmlHelper = '____simple_html_dom__voku__broken_html____'
protected static $domHtmlSpecialScriptHelper = '____simple_html_dom__voku__html_special_script____'
protected static $domHtmlWrapperHelper = '____simple_html_dom__voku__html_wrapper____'
protected static $domLinkReplaceHelper = ['orig' => ['[', ']', '{', '}'], 'tmp' => ['____SIMPLE_HTML_DOM__VOKU__SQUARE_BRACKET_LEFT____', '____SIMPLE_HTML_DOM__VOKU__SQUARE_BRACKET_RIGHT____', '____SIMPLE_HTML_DOM__VOKU__BRACKET_LEFT____', '____SIMPLE_HTML_DOM__VOKU__BRACKET_RIGHT____']]
protected static $domReplaceHelper = ['orig' => ['&', '|', '+', '%', '@', '<html âš¡'], 'tmp' => ['____SIMPLE_HTML_DOM__VOKU__AMP____', '____SIMPLE_HTML_DOM__VOKU__PIPE____', '____SIMPLE_HTML_DOM__VOKU__PLUS____', '____SIMPLE_HTML_DOM__VOKU__PERCENT____', '____SIMPLE_HTML_DOM__VOKU__AT____', '<html ____SIMPLE_HTML_DOM__VOKU__GOOGLE_AMP____="true"']]
protected $encoding = 'UTF-8'
protected static $functionAliases = []
Methods |
protected abstract createDOMDocument(string $html, $libXMLExtraOptions = NULL) : DOMDocument Create DOMDocument from HTML.
protected decodeHtmlEntity(string $content, bool $multiDecodeNewHtmlEntity) : string
protected getEncoding() : string Get the encoding to use.
protected html5FallbackForScriptTags(string $html) workaround for bug: https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=74628
Properties |
protected static $callback = NULL
protected static $domBrokenReplaceHelper = []
protected static $domHtmlBrokenHtmlHelper = '____simple_html_dom__voku__broken_html____'
protected static $domHtmlSpecialScriptHelper = '____simple_html_dom__voku__html_special_script____'
protected static $domHtmlWrapperHelper = '____simple_html_dom__voku__html_wrapper____'
protected static $domLinkReplaceHelper = ['orig' => ['[', ']', '{', '}'], 'tmp' => ['____SIMPLE_HTML_DOM__VOKU__SQUARE_BRACKET_LEFT____', '____SIMPLE_HTML_DOM__VOKU__SQUARE_BRACKET_RIGHT____', '____SIMPLE_HTML_DOM__VOKU__BRACKET_LEFT____', '____SIMPLE_HTML_DOM__VOKU__BRACKET_RIGHT____']]
protected static $domReplaceHelper = ['orig' => ['&', '|', '+', '%', '@', '<html âš¡'], 'tmp' => ['____SIMPLE_HTML_DOM__VOKU__AMP____', '____SIMPLE_HTML_DOM__VOKU__PIPE____', '____SIMPLE_HTML_DOM__VOKU__PLUS____', '____SIMPLE_HTML_DOM__VOKU__PERCENT____', '____SIMPLE_HTML_DOM__VOKU__AT____', '<html ____SIMPLE_HTML_DOM__VOKU__GOOGLE_AMP____="true"']]
protected static $functionAliases = []
Methods |
public abstract static __callStatic( $name, $arguments)
public static putReplacedBackToPreserveHtmlEntities(string $html, bool $putBrokenReplacedBack = true) : string
public static replaceToPreserveHtmlEntities(string $html) : string