Serves as a base-consumer for recipient/sender email address headers (like From and To).
AddressBaseConsumerService passes on token processing to its sub-consumer, an AddressConsumerService, and collects Part\AddressPart objects processed and returned by AddressConsumerService.
- author Zaahid Bateson
Methods |
public __construct(Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger, ZBateson |
Properties |
Methods |
protected advanceToNextToken(Iterator $tokens, bool $isStartToken) : static Disables advancing for start tokens. The start token for AddressBaseConsumerService is part of an {@see \AddressPart} (or a sub-consumer) and so must be passed on. |
protected getPartForToken(string $token, bool $isLiteral) : ?ZBateson Never reached by AddressBaseConsumerService. Overridden to satisfy AbstractConsumerService.
protected getTokenParts(Iterator $tokens) : array Overridden so tokens aren't handled at this level, and instead are passed on to AddressConsumerService.
protected getTokenSeparators() : array Returns an empty array.
protected isEndToken(string $token) : bool AddressBaseConsumerService doesn't have start/end tokens, and so always returns false.
protected isStartToken(string $token) : bool AddressBaseConsumerService doesn't have start/end tokens, and so always returns false.