- author Nicolas Grekas
- internal
Methods |
public static export( $value, $indent = '') |
public static prepare( $values, $objectsPool, $refsPool, $objectsCount, $valuesAreStatic) Prepares an array of values for VarExporter. For performance this method is public and has no type-hints.
Methods |
private static exportHydrator(Symfony |
private static exportRegistry(Symfony |
private static getArrayObjectProperties( $value, $proto) : array
Methods |
public static export( $value, $indent = '') |
private static exportHydrator(Symfony |
private static exportRegistry(Symfony |
private static getArrayObjectProperties( $value, $proto) : array
public static prepare( $values, $objectsPool, $refsPool, $objectsCount, $valuesAreStatic) Prepares an array of values for VarExporter. For performance this method is public and has no type-hints.