Represents a string of abstract characters.
Unicode defines 3 types of "characters" (bytes, code points and grapheme clusters). This class is the abstract type to use as a type-hint when the logic you want to implement doesn't care about the exact variant it deals with.
- author Nicolas Grekas
- author Hugo Hamon
- throws \ExceptionInterface
- Children
- Implements
JsonSerializable Stringable
Constants |
public Symfony |
public Symfony |
public Symfony |
public Symfony |
public Symfony |
public Symfony |
public Symfony |
public Symfony |
Methods |
public __clone() |
public abstract __construct(string $string = '') |
public __sleep() : array |
public __toString() : string |
public after(Traversable|array|string $needle, bool $includeNeedle = false, int $offset = 0) : static
public afterLast(Traversable|array|string $needle, bool $includeNeedle = false, int $offset = 0) : static
public abstract append(string $suffix) : static |
public before(Traversable|array|string $needle, bool $includeNeedle = false, int $offset = 0) : static
public beforeLast(Traversable|array|string $needle, bool $includeNeedle = false, int $offset = 0) : static
public bytesAt(int $offset) : array
public abstract camel() : static |
public abstract chunk(int $length = 1) : array
public collapseWhitespace() : static |
public containsAny(Traversable|array|string $needle) : bool
public endsWith(Traversable|array|string $suffix) : bool
public ensureEnd(string $suffix) : static |
public ensureStart(string $prefix) : static |
public equalsTo(Traversable|array|string $string) : bool
public abstract folded() : static |
public ignoreCase() : static |
public indexOf(Traversable|array|string $needle, int $offset = 0) : ?int
public indexOfLast(Traversable|array|string $needle, int $offset = 0) : ?int
public isEmpty() : bool |
public abstract join(array $strings, ?string $lastGlue = NULL) : static |
public jsonSerialize() : string |
public abstract length() : int |
public abstract lower() : static |
public abstract match(string $regexp, int $flags = 0, int $offset = 0) : array Matches the string using a regular expression. Pass PREG_PATTERN_ORDER or PREG_SET_ORDER as $flags to get all occurrences matching the regular expression.
public abstract padBoth(int $length, string $padStr = ' ') : static |
public abstract padEnd(int $length, string $padStr = ' ') : static |
public abstract padStart(int $length, string $padStr = ' ') : static |
public abstract prepend(string $prefix) : static |
public repeat(int $multiplier) : static |
public abstract replace(string $from, string $to) : static |
public abstract replaceMatches(string $fromRegexp, callable|string $to) : static |
public abstract reverse() : static |
public abstract slice(int $start = 0, ?int $length = NULL) : static |
public abstract snake() : static |
public abstract splice(string $replacement, int $start = 0, ?int $length = NULL) : static |
public split(string $delimiter, ?int $limit = NULL, ?int $flags = NULL) : array
public startsWith(Traversable|array|string $prefix) : bool
public abstract title(bool $allWords = false) : static |
public toByteString(?string $toEncoding = NULL) : Symfony |
public toCodePointString() : Symfony |
public toString() : string |
public toUnicodeString() : Symfony |
public abstract trim(string $chars = '  ') : static |
public abstract trimEnd(string $chars = '  ') : static |
public trimPrefix( $prefix) : static
public abstract trimStart(string $chars = '  ') : static |
public trimSuffix( $suffix) : static
public truncate(int $length, string $ellipsis = '', bool $cut = true) : static |
public static unwrap(array $values) : array Unwraps instances of AbstractString back to strings.
public abstract upper() : static |
public abstract width(bool $ignoreAnsiDecoration = true) : int Returns the printable length on a terminal. |
public wordwrap(int $width = 75, string $break = ' ', bool $cut = false) : static |
public static wrap(array $values) : array Wraps (and normalizes) strings in instances of AbstractString.
Properties |
protected ?bool $ignoreCase = false |
protected string $string = '' |
Methods |
public static unwrap(array $values) : array Unwraps instances of AbstractString back to strings.
public static wrap(array $values) : array Wraps (and normalizes) strings in instances of AbstractString.