Stores metadata needed for serializing and deserializing attributes.
Primarily, the metadata stores serialization groups.
- internal
- author Kévin Dunglas
Methods |
public abstract addGroup(string $group) : void Adds this attribute to the given group. |
public abstract getDenormalizationContextForGroups(array $groups) : array Gets the computed denormalization contexts for given groups. |
public abstract getDenormalizationContexts() : array Gets all the denormalization contexts per group ("*" being the base context applied to all groups). |
public abstract getGroups() : array Gets groups of this attribute.
public abstract getMaxDepth() : ?int Gets the serialization max depth for this attribute. |
public abstract getName() : string Gets the attribute name. |
public abstract getNormalizationContextForGroups(array $groups) : array Gets the computed normalization contexts for given groups. |
public abstract getNormalizationContexts() : array Gets all the normalization contexts per group ("*" being the base context applied to all groups). |
public abstract getSerializedName() : ?string Gets the serialization name for this attribute. |
public abstract getSerializedPath() : ?Symfony |
public abstract isIgnored() : bool Gets if this attribute is ignored or not. |
public abstract merge(self $attributeMetadata) : void Merges an {@see AttributeMetadataInterface} with in the current one. |
public abstract setDenormalizationContextForGroups(array $context, array $groups = []) : void Sets the denormalization context for given groups. |
public abstract setIgnore(bool $ignore) : void Sets if this attribute must be ignored or not. |
public abstract setMaxDepth(?int $maxDepth) : void Sets the serialization max depth for this attribute. |
public abstract setNormalizationContextForGroups(array $context, array $groups = []) : void Sets the normalization context for given groups. |
public abstract setSerializedName(?string $serializedName) : void Sets the serialization name for this attribute. |
public abstract setSerializedPath(?Symfony |