Encodes YAML data.
- author Kévin Dunglas
Constants |
public Symfony |
public Symfony |
public Symfony |
public Symfony Initial indentation for root element. |
public Symfony Override the amount of spaces to use for indentation of nested nodes. This option only works in the constructor, not in calls to |
public Symfony |
Methods |
public __construct(?Symfony\Component\Yaml\Dumper $dumper = NULL, ?Symfony\Component\Yaml\Parser $parser = NULL, array $defaultContext = []) |
public decode(string $data, string $format, array $context = []) : ?mixed |
public encode(?mixed $data, string $format, array $context = []) : string |
public supportsDecoding(string $format) : bool |
public supportsEncoding(string $format) : bool |
Constants |
private Symfony |
Properties |
private array $defaultContext = ['yaml_inline' => 0, 'yaml_indent' => 0, 'yaml_flags' => 0] |
private readonly Symfony\Component\Yaml\Dumper $dumper |
private readonly Symfony\Component\Yaml\Parser $parser |