
Decodes JSON data.

public Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder\JsonDecode::ASSOCIATIVE = 'json_decode_associative'

True to return the result as an associative array, false for a nested stdClass hierarchy.

public Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder\JsonDecode::DETAILED_ERROR_MESSAGES = 'json_decode_detailed_errors'

True to enable seld/jsonlint as a source for more specific error messages when json_decode fails.

public Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder\JsonDecode::OPTIONS = 'json_decode_options'
public Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder\JsonDecode::RECURSION_DEPTH = 'json_decode_recursion_depth'

Specifies the recursion depth.

public __construct(array $defaultContext = [])
public decode(string $data, string $format, array $context = []) : ?mixed

Decodes data.

  • param string $data The encoded JSON string to decode
  • param string $format Must be set to JsonEncoder::FORMAT
  • param array $context An optional set of options for the JSON decoder; see below The $context array is a simple key=>value array, with the following supported keys: json_decode_associative: boolean If true, returns the object as an associative array. If false, returns the object as nested stdClass If not specified, this method will use the default set in JsonDecode::__construct json_decode_recursion_depth: integer Specifies the maximum recursion depth If not specified, this method will use the default set in JsonDecode::__construct json_decode_options: integer Specifies additional options as per documentation for json_decode json_decode_detailed_errors: bool If true, enables seld/jsonlint as a source for more specific error messages when json_decode fails. If false or not specified, this method will use default error messages from PHP's json_decode
  • throws \NotEncodableValueException
  • see
public supportsDecoding(string $format) : bool
private array $defaultContext = ['json_decode_associative' => false, 'json_decode_detailed_errors' => false, 'json_decode_options' => 0, 'json_decode_recursion_depth' => 512]
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