The write mutator defines how a property can be written.
- author Joel Wurtz
- internal
Constants |
public Symfony |
public Symfony |
public Symfony |
public Symfony |
public Symfony |
public Symfony |
public Symfony |
public Symfony |
Methods |
public __construct(string $type = 'none'self::TYPE_NONE, ?string $name = NULL, ?string $visibility = NULL, ?bool $static = NULL) |
public getAdderInfo() : self |
public getErrors() : array |
public getName() : string |
public getRemoverInfo() : self |
public getType() : string |
public getVisibility() : string |
public hasErrors() : bool |
public isStatic() : bool |
public setAdderInfo(self $adderInfo) : void |
public setErrors(array $errors) : void |
public setRemoverInfo(self $removerInfo) : void |
Properties |
private ?self $adderInfo = NULL |
private array $errors = [] |
private readonly ?string $name |
private ?self $removerInfo = NULL |
private readonly ?bool $static |
private readonly string $type |
private readonly ?string $visibility |