A sequence of property names or array indices.
- author Bernhard Schussek
- extends \Traversable<int,string>
- Implements
Stringable Traversable
Methods |
public abstract __toString() : string Returns the string representation of the property path. |
public abstract getElement(int $index) : string Returns the element at the given index in the property path.
public abstract getElements() : array Returns the elements of the property path as array.
public abstract getLength() : int Returns the length of the property path, i.e. the number of elements. |
public abstract getParent() : ?self Returns the parent property path. The parent property path is the one that contains the same items as this one except for the last one. If this property path only contains one item, null is returned. |
public abstract isIndex(int $index) : bool Returns whether the element at the given index is an array index.
public abstract isNullSafe(int $index) : bool Returns whether the element at the given index is null safe. |
public abstract isProperty(int $index) : bool Returns whether the element at the given index is a property.