public __construct(Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\PropertyPathInterface|string|?null $path = NULL)
public __toString() : string

Returns the current property path as string.

public append(Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\PropertyPathInterface|string $path, int $offset = 0, int $length = 0) : void

Appends a (sub-) path to the current path.

  • param int $offset The offset where the appended piece starts in $path
  • param int $length The length of the appended piece; if 0, the full path is appended
public appendIndex(string $name) : void

Appends an index element to the current path.

public appendProperty(string $name) : void

Appends a property element to the current path.

public getLength() : int

Returns the length of the current path.

public getPropertyPath() : ?Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\PropertyPathInterface

Returns the current property path.

public remove(int $offset, int $length = 1) : void

Removes elements from the current path.

  • throws \OutOfBoundsException if offset is invalid
public replace(int $offset, int $length, Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\PropertyPathInterface|string $path, int $pathOffset = 0, int $pathLength = 0) : void

Replaces a sub-path by a different (sub-) path.

  • param int $pathOffset The offset where the inserted piece starts in $path
  • param int $pathLength The length of the inserted piece; if 0, the full path is inserted
  • throws \OutOfBoundsException If the offset is invalid
public replaceByIndex(int $offset, ?string $name = NULL) : void

Replaces a property element by an index element.

  • throws \OutOfBoundsException If the offset is invalid
public replaceByProperty(int $offset, ?string $name = NULL) : void

Replaces an index element by a property element.

  • throws \OutOfBoundsException If the offset is invalid
private array $elements = []
private array $isIndex = []
private resize(int $offset, int $cutLength, int $insertionLength) : void

Resizes the path so that a chunk of length $cutLength is removed at $offset and another chunk of length $insertionLength can be inserted.

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