Inspects existing service definitions and wires the autowired ones using the type hints of their classes.
- author Kévin Dunglas
- author Nicolas Grekas
Methods |
public __construct(bool $throwOnAutowireException = true) |
public process(Symfony |
Properties |
protected bool $skipScalars = true |
Methods |
protected processValue(?mixed $value, bool $isRoot = false) : ?mixed |
Properties |
private array $ambiguousServiceTypes |
private array $autowiringAliases |
private ?string $decoratedClass = NULL |
private ?string $decoratedId = NULL |
private object $defaultArgument |
private ?string $lastFailure = NULL |
private ?Closure $restorePreviousValue = NULL |
private bool $throwOnAutowiringException |
private array $types |
private ?self $typesClone = NULL |
Methods |
private autowireCalls(array $methodCalls, ReflectionClass $reflectionClass, bool $isRoot, bool $checkAttributes) : array |
private autowireMethod(ReflectionFunctionAbstract $reflectionMethod, array $arguments, bool $checkAttributes) : array Autowires the constructor or a method.
private createTypeAlternatives(Symfony |
private createTypeNotFoundMessage(Symfony |
private createTypeNotFoundMessageCallback(Symfony |
private doProcessValue(?mixed $value, bool $isRoot = false) : ?mixed |
private getAliasesSuggestionForType(Symfony |
private getAutowiredReference(Symfony Returns a reference to the service matching the given type, if any. |
private getCombinedAlias(string $type, ?string $name = NULL) : ?string |
private populateAutowiringAlias(string $id, ?string $target = NULL) : void |
private populateAvailableType(Symfony Populates the list of available types for a given definition. |
private populateAvailableTypes(Symfony Populates the list of available types. |
private set(string $type, string $id) : void Associates a type and a service id if applicable. |