Methods |
public __construct(PhpParser Creates a parser instance. Options:
public getTokens() : array |
public parse(string $code, ?PhpParser Parses PHP code into a node tree. If a non-throwing error handler is used, the parser will continue parsing after an error occurred and attempt to build a partial AST.
Properties |
protected array $action
protected array $actionBase
protected array $actionCheck
protected array $actionDefault
protected int $actionTableSize
protected ?SplObjectStorage $createdArrays
protected int $defaultAction
protected array $dropTokens
protected PhpParser
protected int $errorState
protected int $errorSymbol
protected array $goto
protected array $gotoBase
protected array $gotoCheck
protected array $gotoDefault
protected int $gotoTableSize
protected int $invalidSymbol
protected PhpParser
protected int $numNonLeafStates
protected array $phpTokenToSymbol
protected PhpParser
protected array $productions
protected array $reduceCallbacks
protected array $ruleToLength
protected array $ruleToNonTerminal
protected array $semStack
protected $semValue = NULL
protected array $symbolToName
protected array $tokenEndStack
protected int $tokenPos
protected array $tokens
protected array $tokenStartStack
protected array $tokenToSymbol
protected int $tokenToSymbolMapSize
protected int $unexpectedTokenRule
protected int $YY2TBLSTATE |
Methods |
protected addPropertyNameToHooks(PhpParser
protected checkClass(PhpParser |
protected checkClassConst(PhpParser |
protected checkClassMethod(PhpParser |
protected checkClassModifier(int $a, int $b, int $modifierPos) : void |
protected checkEmptyPropertyHookList(array $hooks, int $hookPos) : void
protected checkEnum(PhpParser |
protected checkInterface(PhpParser |
protected checkModifier(int $a, int $b, int $modifierPos) : void |
protected checkNamespace(PhpParser |
protected checkParam(PhpParser |
protected checkPropertyHook(PhpParser |
protected checkPropertyHookModifiers(int $a, int $b, int $modifierPos) : void |
protected checkPropertyHooksForMultiProperty(PhpParser |
protected checkTryCatch(PhpParser |
protected checkUseUse(PhpParser |
protected createCommentFromToken(PhpParser |
protected createEmptyElemAttributes(int $tokenPos) : array
protected createExitExpr(string $name, int $namePos, array $args, array $attrs) : PhpParser
protected createTokenMap() : array Creates the token map. The token map maps the PHP internal token identifiers to the identifiers used by the Parser. Additionally it maps T_OPEN_TAG_WITH_ECHO to T_ECHO and T_CLOSE_TAG to ';'.
protected doParse() : ?array
protected emitError(PhpParser |
protected fixupAlternativeElse( $node) : void
protected fixupArrayDestructuring(PhpParser |
protected getAttributes(int $tokenStartPos, int $tokenEndPos) : array Get attributes for a node with the given start and end token positions.
protected getAttributesAt(int $stackPos) : array Get combined start and end attributes at a stack location
protected getAttributesForToken(int $tokenPos) : array Get attributes for a single token at the given token position.
protected getCommentBeforeToken(int $tokenPos) : ?PhpParser Get last comment before the given token position, if any |
protected getErrorMessage(int $symbol, int $state) : string Format error message including expected tokens.
protected getExpectedTokens(int $state) : array Get limited number of expected tokens in given state.
protected getFloatCastKind(string $cast) : int |
protected handleBuiltinTypes(PhpParser
protected handleHaltCompiler() : string |
protected handleNamespaces(array $stmts) : array Moves statements of semicolon-style namespaces into $ns->stmts and checks various error conditions.
protected abstract initReduceCallbacks() : void Initialize $reduceCallbacks map. |
protected inlineHtmlHasLeadingNewline(int $stackPos) : bool |
protected maybeCreateNop(int $tokenStartPos, int $tokenEndPos) : ?PhpParser |
protected maybeCreateZeroLengthNop(int $tokenPos) : ?PhpParser Create a zero-length nop to capture preceding comments, if any. |
protected parseDocString(string $startToken, $contents, string $endToken, array $attributes, array $endTokenAttributes, bool $parseUnicodeEscape) : PhpParser
protected parseLNumber(string $str, array $attributes, bool $allowInvalidOctal = false) : PhpParser
protected parseNumString(string $str, array $attributes) Parse a T_NUM_STRING token into either an integer or string node.
protected postprocessList(PhpParser |
protected stripIndentation(string $string, int $indentLen, string $indentChar, bool $newlineAtStart, bool $newlineAtEnd, array $attributes) : string
Constants |
private PhpParser |
Methods |
private checkClassName(?PhpParser |
private checkImplementedInterfaces(array $interfaces) : void
private fixupNamespaceAttributes(PhpParser |
private getNamespaceErrorAttributes(PhpParser
private getNamespacingStyle(array $stmts) : ?string Determine namespacing style (semicolon or brace)
private isSimpleExit(array $args) : bool