- Implements
Methods |
public __construct() |
public count() : int
public getCurrentMigrationId() : int
public getErrors() : array
public getMigrationObject(int $migrationId) : ?PHPFUI Get a specific migration class instance |
public getMigrationObjects(int $page, int $perPage) : array
public getStatus() : string
public migrate() : bool Migrates to the latest
public migrateDownOne() : int Migrate one down
public migrateTo(int $migrationId) : bool Migrate (up or down) to a specific migrationId
public migrateUpOne() : int Migrate one up
public migrationNeeded() : bool
Properties |
private array $errors = []
private readonly PHPFUI |
private string $status = '' |
Methods |
private runDown(PHPFUI
private runUp(PHPFUI