- property string $alternative_subject The alternate email subject line to use for A/B testing.
- property int $test_size The percentage of contact recipients to participate in the A/B Test. For example, if the value is 30, then 30% of contacts will receive the email campaign with subject line A, and 30% of contacts will receive the email campaign with subject line B. Valid values include 5 to 50 percent. Currently, A/B tests support subject line only.
- property int $winner_wait_duration The number of hours Constant Contact waits after the A/B test is sent before determining the winning subject line. The winner is the subject line with the highest number of contact opens. Valid values include 6, 12, 24, and 48. After the winner is determined, Constant Contact automatically sends the email campaign with the winning subject line to all the remaining contacts, which did not participate in the A/B test.
Methods |
Properties |
protected static array $fields = ['alternative_subject' => 'string', 'test_size' => 'int', 'winner_wait_duration' => 'int'] |
Properties |
protected static array $fields = ['alternative_subject' => 'string', 'test_size' => 'int', 'winner_wait_duration' => 'int'] |