- mixin \Message
Methods |
public __call( $name, $arguments) Pass any unhandled methods through to a new Message instance.
public __construct( $endpoint, array $options = [], ?GuzzleHttp Instantiate a new Client.
public createMessage() Create a new message with defaults.
public getAllowMarkdown() Get whether message text should be formatted with Slack's Markdown-like language.
public getDefaultChannel() Get the default channel messages will be created for.
public getDefaultIcon() Get the default icon messages will be created with.
public getDefaultUsername() Get the default username messages will be created for.
public getEndpoint() Get the Slack endpoint.
public getLinkNames() Get whether messages sent will have names (like @regan) will be converted into links.
public getMarkdownInAttachments() Get the attachment fields which should be formatted in Slack's Markdown-like language.
public getMessage()
public getResponseType() Get whether the response should be viewable by others when posted to a channel. 'ephemeral' | 'in_channel'.
public getUnfurlLinks() Get whether text links should be unfurled.
public getUnfurlMedia() Get whether media links should be unfurled.
public preparePayload(Maknz Prepares the payload to be sent to the webhook.
public send( $text = NULL) Send the message.
public sendMessage(Maknz Send a message.
public setAllowMarkdown( $value) Set whether message text should be formatted with Slack's Markdown-like language.
public setDefaultChannel( $channel) Set the default channel messages will be created for.
public setDefaultIcon( $icon) Set the default icon messages will be created with.
public setDefaultUsername( $username) Set the default username messages will be created for.
public setEndpoint( $endpoint) Set the Slack endpoint.
public setLinkNames( $value) Set whether messages sent will have names (like @regan) will be converted into links.
public setMarkdownInAttachments(array $fields) Set the attachment fields which should be formatted in Slack's Markdown-like language.
public setOption( $option, $value)
public setOptions(array $options)
public setResponseType( $value) Set whether the response should be viewable by others when posted to a channel. 'ephemeral' | 'in_channel'.
public setUnfurlLinks( $value) Set whether text links should be unfurled.
public setUnfurlMedia( $value) Set whether media links should be unfurled.
Properties |
protected $allow_markdown = true Whether message text should be formatted with Slack's Markdown-like language.
protected $channel = NULL The default channel to send messages to.
protected $endpoint = NULL The Slack incoming webhook endpoint.
protected $guzzle = NULL The Guzzle HTTP client instance.
protected $icon = NULL The default icon to send messages with.
protected $link_names = false Whether to link names like @regan or leave them as plain text.
protected $markdown_in_attachments = [] The attachment fields which should be formatted with Slack's Markdown-like language.
protected $message = NULL
protected static $optionSetter = ['channel' => 'setDefaultChannel', 'username' => 'setDefaultUsername', 'icon' => 'setDefaultIcon', 'response_type' => 'setResponseType', 'link_names' => 'setLinkNames', 'unfurl_links' => 'setUnfurlLinks', 'unfurl_media' => 'setUnfurlMedia', 'allow_markdown' => 'setAllowMarkdown', 'markdown_in_attachments' => 'setMarkdownInAttachments'] Option name to setter method map.
protected $response_type = 'ephemeral' Whether the response should be viewable by others when posted to a channel. 'ephemeral' | 'in_channel'.
protected $unfurl_links = false Whether Slack should unfurl text-based URLs.
protected $unfurl_media = true Whether Slack should unfurl media URLs.
protected $username = NULL The default username to send messages as.
Methods |
protected getAttachmentsAsArrays(Maknz Get the attachments in array form.
protected getOrCreateMessage()
Methods |
private static getOptionSetter(string $option) Returns property setter method by given option name.
Properties |
protected static $optionSetter = ['channel' => 'setDefaultChannel', 'username' => 'setDefaultUsername', 'icon' => 'setDefaultIcon', 'response_type' => 'setResponseType', 'link_names' => 'setLinkNames', 'unfurl_links' => 'setUnfurlLinks', 'unfurl_media' => 'setUnfurlMedia', 'allow_markdown' => 'setAllowMarkdown', 'markdown_in_attachments' => 'setMarkdownInAttachments'] Option name to setter method map.
Methods |
private static getOptionSetter(string $option) Returns property setter method by given option name.