Vertex class
- author Antoine Corcy
Methods |
public destination( $bearing, $distance) Returns the destination point with a given bearing in degrees travelling along a (shortest distance) great circle arc and a distance in meters.
public finalBearing() Returns the final bearing from the origin coordinate to the destination coordinate in degrees.
public finalCardinal() Returns the final cardinal point / direction from the origin coordinate to the destination coordinate.
public getDeterminant(League Returns the determinant value between $this (vertex) and another vertex.
public getFrom() |
public getGradient() |
public getOrdinateIntercept() |
public getOtherCoordinate(League Returns the other coordinate who is not the coordinate passed on argument
public getPrecision()
public getTo() |
public initialBearing() Returns the initial bearing from the origin coordinate to the destination coordinate in degrees.
public initialCardinal() Returns the initial cardinal point / direction from the origin coordinate to the destination coordinate.
public isOnSameLine(League Returns true if the vertex passed on argument is on the same line as this object
public middle() Returns the half-way point / coordinate along a great circle path between the origin and the destination coordinates.
public setFrom(League |
public setPrecision( $precision)
public setTo(League |
Properties |
protected $from = NULL The origin coordinate.
protected $gradient = NULL
protected $ordinateIntercept = NULL
protected $to = NULL The destination coordinate.
Properties |
private $precision = 8