Result object for starting parsing of a block; see static methods for constructors
Methods |
public static abort() : self Signal that the block parsing process should be aborted (no other block starts should be checked)
public at(League Signal that we want to parse at the given cursor position
public getBlockParsers() : iterable
public getCursorState() : ?League |
public isAborting() : bool
public isReplaceActiveBlockParser() : bool |
public static none() : ?self Signal that we cannot parse whatever is here
public static of(League Signal that we'd like to register the given parser(s) so they can parse the current block |
public replaceActiveBlockParser() : self Signal that we want to replace the active block parser with this one
Properties |
private array $blockParsers
private ?League
private bool $isAborting = false |
private bool $replaceActiveBlockParser = false
Methods |
private __construct(League |
Methods |
public static abort() : self Signal that the block parsing process should be aborted (no other block starts should be checked)
public static none() : ?self Signal that we cannot parse whatever is here
public static of(League Signal that we'd like to register the given parser(s) so they can parse the current block |