Methods |
public __construct() |
public static check_for_fatal() : bool Checks for a fatal error, work around for set_error_handler not working on fatal errors. |
public static clearErrorMessages() : void |
public static debug(?mixed $message, string $location = '') : void |
public static getErrorMessages() : array
public static log_error(int $num, string $str, string $file, int $line, ?mixed $context = NULL) : bool Error handler, passes flow over the exception logger with new ErrorException. |
public static log_exception(Throwable $e) : bool Uncaught exception handler. |
public static sendMessage(string $message, string $type = 'error') : void |
public static warning(string $message) : void |
Properties |
private static ?Maknz |
private static array $messages = []
private static array $pages = []
private static ?Example |
Methods |
private static initialize() : void |
Properties |
private static ?Maknz |
private static array $messages = []
private static array $pages = []
private static ?Example |
Methods |
public static check_for_fatal() : bool Checks for a fatal error, work around for set_error_handler not working on fatal errors. |
public static clearErrorMessages() : void |
public static debug(?mixed $message, string $location = '') : void |
public static getErrorMessages() : array
private static initialize() : void |
public static log_error(int $num, string $str, string $file, int $line, ?mixed $context = NULL) : bool Error handler, passes flow over the exception logger with new ErrorException. |
public static log_exception(Throwable $e) : bool Uncaught exception handler. |
public static sendMessage(string $message, string $type = 'error') : void |
public static warning(string $message) : void |